第一章 总则
第一条 为了维护学校正常的教学秩序,给学生提供良好的生活、学习环境,建设文明和谐平安校园,依据中华人民共和国教育部、外交部、公安部联合颁布的《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部令第42号)和教育部颁布的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号),参照安徽工业大学学生管理的相关规定,制定本细则。
第二条 本细则适用于在安徽工业大学学习的学历和非学历留学生。
第三条 对于违法违纪的学生,学校应秉承证据充分、定性准确、公平公正、程序正当、处分适度的原则对其进行纪律处分。
第四条 学生纪律处分的种类分为:1.口头警告;2.书面警告;3.留校察看;4.开除学籍。其中,每次口头警告扣20分,书面警告扣40分,留校察看扣80分。在学制期间内累计扣分达到100分者,开除学籍。在1学年中累计扣40分者,取消下一年度奖学金参评资格。
第二章 处分细则
第五条 违反中华人民共和国宪法,危害国家安全,严重扰乱学校和社会秩序者,给予开除学籍处分。
第六条 违反中华人民共和国法律,被追究刑事责任或受到治安管理处罚者:
第七条 非法参与游行示威、参加非法组织活动、非法传教或利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序者给予留校察看或以上处分,组织者给予开除学籍处分。
第八条 参与吸毒、贩毒、制毒等此类活动者,给予开除学籍处分。
第九条 在校内公共场所进行宗教活动者,给予书面警告或以上处分,屡教不改者给予开除学籍处分。
第十条 未经学校批准,参加以盈利为目的商业活动,包括家教、导游、导购等,视情节轻重,给予书面警告或以上处分。
第十一条 严重扰乱教室、公寓、食堂、会场等公共场所秩序的,视情节给予口头警告及以上处分。
第十二条 故意破坏公共设施、他人财物者,除照价赔偿外,应分别给予以下处分:
第十三条 以非法手段获取国家、集体、他人财物者,除退回钱物和赔偿损失之外,分别给予以下处分:
第十四条 严重违背公民道德规范者:
第十五条 寻衅滋事、打架斗殴者:
第十六条 有赌博、酗酒滋事行为者:
第十七条 作伪证者:
第十八条 妨碍中华人民共和国公务人员依法执行公务、妨碍学校管理人员执行校规校纪者,视情节轻重给予留校察看或以上处分。
第十九条 伪造证件或盗用他人名义谋取利益者,视情节严重给予书面警告或以上处分。
第二十条 利用计算机等技术手段违纪者:
第二十一条 盗窃、隐匿、毁弃或私拆他人信件邮件者,视情节轻重给予留校察看或以上处分。
第二十二条 在进行科学研究中,存在学术不端行为,情节较轻者,给予书面警告处分;情节严重者,给予开除学籍处分。
第二十三条 扰乱课堂秩序,不服从教师管理者给予口头警告或以上处分。顶撞辱骂教师者给予留校察看或以上处分。
第二十四条 无故旷课者(三次迟到早退记为一次旷课):
第二十五条 违反考场纪律和考试作弊者:
第二十六条 私自调换宿舍,给予书面警告处分。
第二十七条 私自留宿他人者,给予书面警告处分。转租宿舍者,给予开除学籍处分。
第二十八条 私自换锁者,给予口头警告处分。
第二十九条 学生宿舍实行巡查制度,国际教育学院会同相关部门定期或不定期开展宿舍相关检查。检查期间,住宿学生不得以任何理由阻挠,违者给予书面警告或以上处分。
第三十条 在宿舍内大声喧哗、高声放音响等影响他人学习与休息者,给予口头警告处分,屡教不改者给予书面警告或以上处分。
第三十一条 私自移动、拆装家具及设施设备,造成损坏或丢失者,除照价赔偿之外,给予口头警告或以上处分。
第三十二条 在宿舍内饲养宠物者,给予书面警告处分。
第三十三条 私自在墙壁、楼道乱涂乱画,张贴、散发海报、传单者,除恢复原状外并给予口头警告处分。
第三十四条 擅自在宿舍墙面上凿进铁钉等硬物损坏墙体者,除赔偿外,给予口头警告处分。
第三十五条 擅自挪动、乱用、破坏消防器材和设施者,在公共楼道、消防安全出口处摆放自行车、电动车或堆砌物品,阻碍消防安全疏散通道者,给予书面警告及以上处分。
第三十六条 携带或存放各种有毒物、腐蚀性、放射性等危险物品者,私自存放和使用公安部门规定的违禁物品和管制刀具者,给予书面警告及以上处分。
第三十七条 将垃圾倒入公共厨房水池中,造成堵塞者,给予口头警告处分。
第三十八条 在房间内使用电炉、微波炉、电锅、饮水机、电炒锅、电饭锅、洗衣机、电磁炉、电热杯、热得快、电热褥、取暖器、电烫斗、电夹板、卷发器等电热器具等各种大功率电器者,给予口头警告处分,屡教不改者给予书面警告或以上处分。违反规定造成火灾者,除照价赔偿损失之外,给予留校察看或以上处分。
第三十九条 往窗外、楼下投扔各类废弃物品者,给予口头警告处分。造成后果者给予书面警告或以上处分。
第四十条 攀爬门窗、顶楼、栏杆者,给予口头警告及以上处分。
第四十一条 晚归或彻夜不归者:
第四十二条 私拉电线者,给予口头警告处分,屡教不改者,给予留校察看处分。
第四十三条 其他违法或违反校规校纪的活动者,视情节给予口头警告或以上处分。
第三章 处分程序和管理
第四十四条 违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》或触犯刑法的,由保卫处负责与公安、司法机关的联系,协助和配合公安、司法机关查清事实,同时填写材料移交单,将公安、司法机关的调查和处理结果等通报国际教育学院;违反教学管理规定与考场纪律的学生由国际教育学院会同学生专业所在学院查清事实,提出处理意见;违反宿舍管理规定的学生由国际教育学院根据违纪情况,提出处理意见,并通报学生专业所在学院和后勤处。
第四十五条 学校在对学生做出处分决定前,应当听取学生或其代理人的陈述和申辩,学生享有充分的申辩权。对留校察看和开除学籍两种处分,在学校做出处分决定前,处分部门应告知学生有权申请听证。学生申请听证的,向学校听证委员会提出申请,按照《安徽工业大学学生申诉处理办法》(安工大〔2017〕107号)执行。
第四十六条 国际教育学院对有关材料进行审定后,起草处分文件,并报校领导批准。
第四十七条 处分决定做出后,学校采取适当方式在校内予以公布。处分文件一式 3 份,一份送交学生本人,一份送交学生专业所在学院,另一份留国际教育学院备案,存入学生档案。学生在接到处分决定时,必须在处分决定接收单上签字。
第四十八条 处分决定送达违纪学生后,违纪学生对处分决定有异议的,可在 5个工作日内向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出申诉,由于特殊原因处分决定文件无法送达违纪学生的,申诉期限自公告期期满之日起计算。学校学生申诉处理委员会接到学生申诉书后的 15个工作日内向学生做出书面答复。对学生的申诉,由学校学生申诉处理委员会核实情况,确认是否受理。对于受理的情况,由学校学生申诉处理委员会进行复查,给予答复。具体办法按《安徽工业大学学生申诉处理办法》(安工大〔2017〕107号)执行。
第四十九条 留校察看期为半年或者一年。受留校察看处分的学生,在察看期间有明显进步表现的,察看期满后,可按期解除留校察看;有立功表现的,可提前解除;继续违纪或重新违纪的给予开除学籍处分。
第五十条 处分决定应真实完整地归入学校文书档案和学生本人档案,不得撤除。
第五十一条 本细则自发布之日起执行,未尽事宜,由国际教育学院负责解释。
AHUT International Student Penalty Provisions
Chapter One
General Principles
Clause 1.In order to maintain good education order and an optimal living and learning environment, to create a harmonious campus, the following provisions are formulated in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students " promulgated jointly by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security, the " Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education " promulgated by Ministry of Education and other related campus regulations.
Clause 2. The provisions are applicable to all degree-seeking and non-degree seeking international students at AHUT.
Clause 3. In dealing with students disciplinary offences, AHUT makes corresponding decisions based on the principles of justice, openness and fairness.
Clause 4.There are 4 types of disciplinary sanctions:
1. Oral Warning -20 Points
2. Written Warning -40 Points
3. Detention -80 Points
4. Expulsion -100 Points
Every student has 100 points at the beginning of his/her university life. If he/she conducts a disciplinary offence, corresponding points will be deducted. When one’s point hits zero before graduation, the action of expulsion shall be imposed. Students who get 40 points deduction in one academic year, his/her qualification for next year scholarship application will be cancelled.
Chapter TwoPenalty Descriptions
Public Order and Security
Clause 5. Expulsion shall be given for those who commit the following offences:
1) Violating of Chinese constitution;
2) Threatening national security;
3) Disturbing university or social order seriously.
Clause 6. 1) Detention or Expulsion shall be given for those who are punished for disturbing public security;
2) Expulsion shall be given for those who are prosecuted for criminal liability.
Clause 7.Detention or Expulsion shall be given for those who commit following offences:
1) Joining in illegal assemblies or demonstrations;
2) Joining illegal organizations and engaging in their illegal activities;
3) Joining illegal religious organizations or misusing religions to disrupt social order;
For students who organize activities listed above will be expulsed from the university.
Clause 8. Expulsion shall be given for those who are involved in drug related activities such as drug taking, drug trade, drug making etc.
Clause 9.Written Warning or above shall be given for those who organize or participate in religious activities on campus. Expulsion shall be given for repeating offences.
Clause 10.Written Warning shall be given for those who are involved in commercial related activities without university approval, including tutoring, tour guiding, promoting etc.
Clause 11. Oral Warning or above shall be given for behaviors seriously disturbing the order of classroom, dormitory, canteen, auditorium and other public places.
Clause 12.Students who intentionally cause damage to public facilities or personal properties, besides compensation, penalty shall be given as follows:
1) Oral Warning shall be given for behaviors damaging property worth less than 300 Yuan (300 included);
2) Written Warning or above shall be given for behaviors damaging property worth more than 300 Yuan;
3) Detention or above shall be given for behaviors damaging important public facilities like camera, network system, office computers, broadcasting or communication system etc..
Clause 13.Students who take property from public or others illegally, besides returning or compensation, shall be given penalty as follows:
1) Written warning shall be given for behaviors stealing or swindling property worth less than 500 Yuan (including 500);
2) Detention shall be given for behaviors stealing or swindling property worth more than 500 Yuan;
3) Expulsion shall be given for repeating offences and stealing official seals or confidential documents;
4) For group stealing, the organizer shall be given the penalty of expulsion. The participants will be given Written Warning or above.
Clause 14.Students who severely breach the morality of the human beings shall receive the following sanctions.
1) Those who flirt with or humiliate women will receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
2) Those who make, duplicate, spread or hide pornographic audio-visual products or other products shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
3) Those who accommodate other people in the dormitory shall receive written warning or severer sanctions.
4) Those who take part in prostitution or introduce prostitution shall be expulsed from the university.
Clause 15. For causing disturbances, assaulting and physical fighting:
1) Oral Warning shall be given for provoking others through verbal insults or other methods into physical fighting;
2) Written Warning shall be given for assaulting others with no or slight injuries; Detention shall be given for assaults causing minor injuries; Expulsion shall be given for those causing serious injuries;
3) Written Warning shall be given for plotting, instigating physical fights with no consequences; if with consequences, Detention or above shall be given depending on the severity of the offence;
4) Written Warning shall be given for providing others with fighting tools, causing no injury; Detention shall be given if any injury is caused;
5) Oral Warning or above shall be given for other types of involvement in offences of physical fighting, depending on the severity of the offences. Severe punitive actions shall be imposed for group physical fights.
Clause 16. 1) Oral Warning or Written Warning shall be given for gambling or disguised gambling, or providing places, fund, or devices for gambling; Detention or Expulsion shall be given for repeated offences.
2) Students who cause disturbances after excessive drinking shall be given Written Warning or above based on the severity of the offence
Clause 17. Perjurer:
1) Oral Warning or Written Warning shall be given for non-participants providing false or misleading testimony in an offence and causing complications for the investigation;
2) Heavier penalty shall be imposed for those providing false or misleading testimony as a participant in an offence.
Clause 18. Detention or above shall be given for those interfering with public functions of the government officials or university staff.
Clause 19. Written Warning or above shall be given for those forging documents or intentionally use others’ identities without authorization.
Clause 20.Technical Offences:
1) Written Warning or above shall be given for those intentionally modifying, deleting or destroying computer files and causing serious losses;
2) Written Warning or above shall be given for those surfing illegal website or posting illegal information (including one’s privacy) on Internet;
3) Detention shall be given for those intentionally attacking security systems of the university network, stealing or falsifying data without authorization. Expulsion shall be given for those who cause destructive consequence.
Clause 21. Detention or above shall be given for those intentionally concealing, destroying or unpacking others’ letter or package without authorization.
Academic Management
Clause 22.Misconduct in scientific research:
Written Warning shall be given for those slightly violating the research norms. Expulsion shall be given for those who cause serious results.
Clause 23. Oral Warning or above shall be given for those intentionally disobeying the teacher or disturbing class order; Detention or above shall be given for those teasing or abusing teacher.
Clause 24.Being absent from class without permission (Three times of being late or leaving early will be record as an absence.):
1)Oral Warning shall be given for students whose absences add up to 8-10times in a semester;
2) Written Warning shall be given for students whose absences add up to 11-15times in a semester;
3) Detention shall be given for students whose absences add up to 16-29times in a semester;
4) Expulsion shall be given for students whose absences add up to 30 times in a semester;
5) Being absent for two weeks continuously without permission shall be viewed as termination of study.
Clause 25.For violations of examination regulations:
(I) Behavior that falls into any of the following categories shall be deemed as violations of examination regulations, for which the punitive action to be imposed shall be Oral Warning or above depending on the severity of the violations:
1) Carrying into examination locations objects irrelevant to the exams without placing them in the designated places;
2) Failure to follow the seating arrangement when taking the exam;
3) Starting to do the test before the starting signal is given or continuing to do it after the ending signal is given;
4) Side-glance, whispering, signaling and gesticulating during the exam;
5) Making noises at the prohibited area of the examination location and disrupting the exam order;
6) Leaving the examination location during the exam without the supervisors' permission;
7) Taking exam papers, answer sheets, scratch paper, etc. out of the examination location;
8) Answering with pen or paper that are not allowed by regulations; writing the names, exam numbers in areas on the exam paper that are not allowed by regulations, or making other message-carrying marks on the answer sheet;
9) Taking forbidden materials or tools into the examination location during an open-book exam;
10) Other behavior in violation of examination regulations that are not deemed as cheating.
(II) Behavior that falls into any of the following categories shall be deemed as cheating, for which the punitive action of Written Warning shall be imposed:
1) Taking exam-related text materials or electronic devices stored with exam-related information into the location for a close-book exam;
2) Writing any exam-related words or making any exam-related symbols on the exam desk or one's body;
3) Unauthorized use of electronic or communication devices;
4) Copying other's paper or exam-related materials;
5) Deliberately letting others copy one's own exam paper or exam-related materials;
6) Comparing each other's answers, or passing notes, exam papers, answer sheets and scratch papers without the supervisors' permission of instruction;
7) Snatching or stealing other's exam papers or answer sheets, or forcing others to provide convenience for copying;
8) Leaving examination location temporarily for the purpose of obtaining answers;
9) Giving all answers exactly the same as those on the answer sheet of another examinee during the same course examination in the same location;
10) Cheating by any other means.
(III) Any of the following behaviors should be deemed as cheating, punishment will be Detention or Expulsion depending on the severity of the offence:
1) Using communication equipment or other devices to send or receive exam-related data;
2) Taking an exam in another person's name or having one's own exam taken by someone else;
3) Organizing cheating;
4) Stealing exam papers;
5) Falsifying scores;
6) Having violated exam regulations or committed cheating for over two times.
Dormitory Management
Clause26. Written Warning shall be given for those who change the room privately.
Clause27. Written Warning shall be given for those who keep outsiders stay in dorm overnight. Expulsion shall be given for those who sublet room to others.
Clause 28.Oral Warning shall be given for those who change the room lock without permission.
Clause 29. The inspection system is implemented in dormitory. SIE, security department and logistics department will regularly or irregularly inspect the dormitory. Written Warning or above shall be given for those who obstruct the inspection work.
Clause 30.Oral Warning shall be given for heavy noise makers disturbing others in the dormitory. Written Warning or above shall be given for repeated offences.
Clause 31. Besides compensation, Oral Warning or above shall be given for those who move or disassemble furniture or facilities without permission, causing damages or losses.
Clause 32.Written Warning shall be given for those who keep pets in room.
Clause 33.Besides compensation of cleaning, Oral Warning shall be given for those who scrawl on the wall or post posters without approval.
Clause 34.Oral Warning shall be given for those who cause damage to the wall with pounding iron nails.
Clause 35. Written Warning shall be given for those who have the following actions:
1) Moving, abusing or damaging fire-fighting equipment and facilities;
2) Parking bicycles, electric vehicles, piling up sundries etc. in the public corridor or at the fire safety exit.
Clause 36.Written Warning shall be given for those who carrying or storing poisonous, corrosive and radioactive substances, prohibited articles as well as controlled knives by PSB.
Clause 37.Oral Warning shall be given for those who throw garbage in the public kitchen sink, causing blockage.
Clause 38. Oral Warning or above shall be given for those who use high-power-driven electrical appliances such as electric stove, microwave oven, electric saucepan, water machine, electric frying pans, electric rice cooker, washing machines, electromagnetic oven, electric cup, water heater, electric heating mattress, heating apparatus, flat iron, electric clip, hair curler; Besides compensation, detention or above shall be given for those who cause fire.
Clause 39.Oral Warning or above shall be given for those who litter out of the window. Written Warning or above shall be given for those who cause serious consequences.
Clause 40.Oral Warning or above shall be given for those who climb doors, windows, railings.
Clause 41. Students who return dormitory late or stay outside overnight will be given the penalty as follows (Per Semester):
1) Oral Warning shall be given for those returning late adding up to 3 times (including 3) or returning late causing serious consequence; Written Warning shall be given for 4-6 times; Detention or above shall be given for 6 times above;
2) Written Warning or above shall be given for those staying outside overnight; Expulsion shall be given for 3 times above.
Clause 42.Oral Warning shall be given for those who use private wires without permission or other illegal behaviors stealing electricity. Detention shall be given for repeated offences.
Clause 43.Written Warning or above shall be given for those who are involved in other illegal activities.
Chapter Three
Administrative Authority for Disciplinary Actions and Relevant Procedures
Clause 44.For violations of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments" or China's criminal laws, the university's Security Department shall be responsible for contacting the public security and judicial organs, assisting and cooperating with them to ascertain facts,and informing SIE about the final result made by public security and judicial organs. For violating rules of academic management, SIE cooperating with the related school will ascertain the facts and make final decision. For violating rules of dormitory management, SIE will give penalty decisions based on the fact and inform the related school and logistic department.
Clause 45.University shall listen to the student or his/her agent's description of facts and defense before imposing punitive actions. Students have the full right to defend themselves. For Detention and Expulsion, the university shall notify the students concerned of the right to apply for a hearing before the punitive actions are imposed. Students who wish to have a hearing must submit application to the University Hearing Committee for the hearing, which shall be organized following the regulations of "Students Appealing Treatment Procedures at Anhui University of Technology".
Clause 46.After reviewing the relevant materials, SIE shall draft out documents for disciplinary actions, which are to be agreedby the president of the university in charge. Decisions on Expulsion shall be made by the Presidents Meeting.
Clause 47.Once decisions on disciplinary actions are made, the university shall publicize them in proper ways within the university. The documents for imposing the actions shall be in triplicate, one for the student, one for the professional school that the student is affiliated to, and still another one for the SIE's file keeping. The
Refusal to sign it shall be recorded on file by the document delivery personnel. The school that the student is affiliated to shall give an appropriate admonitory education to the student after receiving the document. If the document cannot reach the student concerned, the university shall publicize it as a substitute for delivery.
Clause 48.Upon receiving the document, if the student concerned has any objection to it, he/she can lodge an appeal to the University Student Appeals Administration Committee within 5 work days; if the document cannot reach the student, the 5-day limit shall start at the end of the document publicizing period. The University Student Appeals Administration Committee shall give a written reply to the student within 15 work days after receiving the appeal. The Committee shall verify the student's appeal and then decide if the appeal is to be accepted. For accepted appeals, the Committee shall re-investigate the case and give a reply. Specific procedures for processing appeals are to be found in "Students Appealing Treatment Procedures at Anhui University of Technology".
Clause 49.The duration of Detention shall be 6 months or 1 year. Students on Detentioncan have the punitive action removed when the probation period is over if they show significant improvement during the probation; they may also have their
Clause 50.Documents for disciplinary actions shall be recorded truthfully in the University Administrative files in its entirety. No removal.
Clause 51. These provisions shall take effect from the date of release, unaccomplished matters are to be explained by SIE.